Slavs and Tatars presents "Molla Nasreddin: The Magazine That Would've, Could've, Should've." It features a selection of the most iconic covers, illustrations and caricatures from the legendary Azeri satirical periodical of the early 20th century, "Molla Nasreddin." The most important publication of its kind, "Molla Nasreddin" was read across the Muslim world from Morocco to Iran, addressing issues whose relevance has not abated, such as women's rights, the Latinization of the alphabet, Western imperial powers, creeping socialism from Russia in the north, and growing Islamism from Iran in the south. "Molla Nasreddin" not only contributed to a crucial understanding of national identity in the case study of the complexity called the Caucasus, but offered a momentous example of the powers of the press both then and today.
Slavs and Tatars: Molla Nasreddin: The Magazine That Would've, Could've, Should've
Publisher: JRP Editions, Zurich
ISBN: 978-3-03764-212-2
Dimensions: 240 x 280 mm
pages: 208 pages