Cosmic Jive is the first collection of essays regarding Tomás Saraceno research and work, realized collaborating with Studio Saraceno and the artist himself. Realized in occasion of the exhibition Cosmic Jive: Tomás Saraceno. The Spider Sessions at Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa, the book contains contributions of Ilaria Bonacossa, Luca Cerizza, William Eberhard, Gianni Garrera, Joseph Grima, Federico Nicolao, Federico Rahola, David Toop, with a selection of drawings and visual works of the artist.
The book includes photos of the installation work at Villa Croce by Stefano Graziani, and one Flexi Disc, a flexible, thin, vynil record containing the recordings of performing spiders made by Studio Saraceno.
Tomás Saraceno: Cosmic Jive: The Spider Sessions
Publisher: Asinello Press, Italy
ISBN: 9788890968051
Dimensions: 12.7 x 17.8 cm
pages: 112 pages