Ernesto Neto: Faena Art Center, Buenos Aires
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Born in1964 in Rio de Janeiro, where he lives and works, Neto is one of the most important figures in the current Brazilian art scene. He is the heir to the Brazilian art movement known as Neo-Concreto, which for the first time places the spectator at the centre of the creative action, thereby converting physical interaction into a key aspect of his work.
The spectator is invited to touch, smell and enter the space created. The organic forms of his work are related to the observation of the body as a representation of an internal landscape and give an impression of fragility and sensuality.
His production is situated somewhere between sculpture and installation.Neto works with abstract installations which often take up the whole expositional space, creating spatial labyrinths in which fine membranes –stretched taught and fixed at various points– containing spices of varying colours and aromas (saffron, cloves) hang down here and there in the shape of enormous droplets.