Installation Views
Press release

The SCAD Museum of Art presents an ambitious solo exhibition of works by acclaimed conceptual photographer and 2012 MacArthur Fellow Uta Barth. "To draw with light" features three related sequences of atmospheric, minimalist images, which have never been shown together in the U.S. Selected singular photographs from the series "Compositions of Light on White" recall the geometric abstractions of Mondrian with formalist grids of light and architectural detail.


Also on view are diptychs and triptychs from the series "… and to draw a bright white line with light" that trace a ribbon of sunlight through the texture of a curtain as captured in a single day. Collectively with her most recent series "Deep Blue Day," these works underscore Barth’s brilliant use of light as her medium and visual perception as her subject, and in so doing, heighten our awareness and forever alter our way of seeing.