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Press release

Tanya Bonakdar Gallery is delighted to present Gebilde, Sabine Hornig’s third solo exhibition at the gallery.

Blurring the divisions between two-dimensional and three dimensional space, the new photographs and sculptures shown in Gebilde create a fusion between photography and sculpture, presenting work in each medium that supports and expands upon the other. The title of the show, Gebilde, references this overlap, translating into English most closely to “construct”, Gebilde means “shape” or “creation” and can only be used to describe three dimensional objects. “Bild” however, means image, thus Gebilde refers the overlap between two-dimensional and three- dimensional elements.


Explorations and challenges of traditional spatial orientation are inherent in Sabine’s work as the subject of her photography and sculpture is most often existing architecture; she reproduces and recreates the locations that are featured in her pieces, on a new scale or in a different dimension. As in past works the pieces included in Gebilde examine the architecture of the city, focusing specifically on abandoned spaces. The apparent emptiness of these images gives way to the imagined presence of past or future structures, referencing both destruction and creation, each inhabiting the space equally, and presenting the city as a sort of a random urban wilderness.