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Press release

Tanya Bonakdar is pleased to announce a new body of work from the sculptor Charles Long, in his eighth solo show with the gallery. A distinct break from the most recent work based on bird excrement and the Los Angeles River, Long’s new sculptures are spare, colorful, non-referential structures, assuredly ungrounded, offering a balance of imbalances. In contrast to the previous work addressing resilience and decay, this body of work forges an entirely new emotional and spiritual territory, which involves both a paring down to essentials and an openness to unmediated experience.


In each of the sculptures, standing between six and ten feet tall, distinct abstract forms hover in unfamiliar configurations, posing questions of intention and challenging the desire for immediate comprehension. These disparate elements are brought together in a harmonious discontinuity, and presented not as a collection of objects, but as a redefinition of objectness. Substantial in scale yet airy and light, the sculptures are decentralized, with uncertain means of suspension and structure.

All installation images above: Photo by Jean Vong