“Rivane Neuenschwander: A Day Like Any Other” is the first midcareer survey of works by Brazilian artist Rivane Neuenschwander (b.1967, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), and spotlights Neuenschwander’s unique contribution to the narrative of Brazilian Conceptualism, as well as the expanded field of her highly individualized practice. Neuenschwander merges painting, photography, film, sculpture, immersive installations, and participatory actions. Her authorship is primary, but she also functions as an editor, collaborator, social organizer, and commissioning agent. Motifs that repeat with regularity include mapping, measuring, colonization, and categorization. Works in the exhibition include drawings exposed to equatorial rains as they morph into exquisite continental maps; an immersive installation that investigates paranoia in an age in which privacy is no longer an individual’s natural right; and videos highlighting the industriousness of ants and beetles while revealing their manic organizational systems that parallel those of the human world, among many others.
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