Yuko Mohri
Sam Belinfante, 2018 出版者: London: Camden Arts Centre 了解更多 -
Yuko Mohri: Grey Skies
Satoko Sugimoto (Fujisawa City Art Space), 2018 出版者: Kanagawa (Japan): Fujisawa City Art Space 了解更多 -
Magali Reus: Hot Cottons/As Mist Description
2018 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: Interviews and Works
2017 - 2018 了解更多
Kimsooja: Interviews and Works
2017 - 2018 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson: Your Glacial Expectations
Olafur Eliasson, 2017 Hardcover, 174 pp 页
出版者: Thames & Hudson, London
ISBN: 9780500239599
Dimensions: 29.0 x 29.0 cm 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson Take Your Time: Open House
Volume 7 Claire Petitmengin, Andreas Roepstorff, Boris Ondreička, Günther Vogt, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Mohammed Al Attar, Hadeel Ibrahim, Timothy Morton, Mark Godfrey, Elke Weber, Jonathan Ledgard, Pireeni Sundaralingam, Hortensia Völckers, 2017 出版者: Walther König, Cologne
ISBN: 978 3 00 056566 3
Dimensions: .5 x 1.2 x 10 inches 了解更多 -
Mark Dion: Misadventures of a 21st-Century Naturalist
Ruth Erickson, 2017 Hardcover, 216 pages 页
出版者: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300224078
Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11 inches 了解更多
Lisa Oppenheim: Spine
Edited by Karen Archey, featuring texts by Andria Hickey, Maika Pollack, Laura Solomon and Karen Archey., 2017 paperback
出版者: MOCA Cleveland 了解更多 -
Slavs and Tatars: Mouth to Mouth
Sussan Babaie, Jörg Heiser, David Joselit, Pablo Larios, 2017 hardcover, 224 页
出版者: Koenig Books
ISBN: 9783960980704
Dimensions: 320mm x 240mm 了解更多 -
Mark Manders: Rokin Fountain
Mark Manders, Maria Barnas, 2017 出版者: Roma Publications
ISBN: 9789492811004
Dimensions: 21 x 28 cm 了解更多 -
Gillian Wearing: Family Stories
Mikkel Bogh, Jacob Fabricius, Marianne Torp, 2017 hardcover, 96 pages 页
出版者: Hatje Cantz
ISBN: 978-3-7757-4370-9
Dimensions: 29.70 x 21.00 cm 了解更多
Friendship of Nations: Polish Shi’ite Showbiz
Slavs and Tatars, Adam Michnik, Michael D. Kennedy, Ramin Jahanbegloo, Mara Goldwyn, Shiva Balaghi, Agata Araszkiewicz, 2017 Softcover, 184 pages 页
出版者: Book Works, London
ISBN: 978 1 906012 42 7
Dimensions: 210 x 260 mm 了解更多 -
Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler: Women of Venice
Carol Bove, Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler, 2017 Hardback, 96 pages 页
出版者: Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich
ISBN: 978-3-85881-795-2
Dimensions: 18 x 27 cm 了解更多 -
Gillian Wearing and Claude Cahun: Behind the mask, another mask
Sarah Howgate and Dawn Ade, 2017 Hardcover, 208pp 页
出版者: National Portrait Gallery, London
ISBN: 978 1 85514 750 8
Dimensions: 250 x 210mm 了解更多 -
Sandra Cinto: Acaso E Necessidade (Chance and Necessity)
Yuki Kondo, Laura R. Colkitt, Miguel Chaia, 2017 Hardcover, 172 pages 页
出版者: Ateliê Fidalga, São Paulo 了解更多
Analia Saban
Johanna Burton, Claudia Schmuckli, 2017 cloth hardcover, 160 pages 页
出版者: Gregory R Miller & Co.
ISBN: 9781941366127
Dimensions: 8.25 x 10.5 in 了解更多 -
Tomás Saraceno: Aerocene
Hans Ulrich Obrist, Eva Horn, Studio Tomas Saraceno, Tim Ingold, Timothy Morton, 2017 Hardcover
出版者: Skira, Milan
ISBN: 8857234738 了解更多 -
Tomás Saraceno: Aerosolar Journeys
Heather Davis, Philip Ursprung, Rene Zechlin, Sabine Schaschl, Tomás Saraceno, 2017 softback, 152 pages 页
出版者: Walther Koenig, Cologne
ISBN: 9783960981824
Dimensions: 27 cm x 20 cm 了解更多 -
Tomás Saraceno: Flying Plaza
Work Journal 2012 - 2016 Jonas Zilius, Tina Veihelmann, Studio Tomás Saraceno, Bachtijar Ashtari, Theo Deutinger, 2017 出版者: Spector Books
ISBN: 9783959050296 了解更多
Yuko Mohri
Richard Wentwoth, 2017 出版者: London: White Rainbow, London 了解更多 -
Magali Reus
2017 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: Archive of Mind
2016 - 2017 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: To Breathe - Zone of Zero
2016 - 2017 了解更多
Olafur Eliasson: Unspoken Spaces
2016 Hardcover, 416 页
出版者: Thames & Hudson, London, UK
ISBN: 978 0 500 34313 5
Dimensions: 22.5 x 28.5 cm 了解更多 -
Sarah Sze
Text by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Okwui Enwezor and Laura Hoptman, 2016 Paperback, 160 页
出版者: Phaidon
ISBN: 9780714870465 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson: Versailles
Olafur Eliasson, Irma Boom, 2016 Paperback, 200 pp 页
出版者: Studio Olafur Eliasson
ISBN: 978 3 00 053631 1
Dimensions: 21.6 x 28 cm 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson: The Parliament of Possibilities
Olafur Eliasson, Aurélien Barrau, Timothy Morton, Hyesoo Woo, 2016 Hardcover
出版者: Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul
ISBN: 978-89-85468-72-5 了解更多
Olafur Eliasson: Nothingness is not nothing at all
Olafur Eliasson, Wang Wei, Shanghai View Studio: Jiang Qinggong, 2016 Hardcover, 191 页
出版者: Shanghai Fine Arts Publisher, Shanghai
ISBN: 978-7-5479-0872-3
Dimensions: 25 x 20 cm 了解更多 -
Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg: The Secret Garden
Louise Neri, Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg, Juliana Engberg, Amy Barrett-Lennard and Kay Campbell, 2016 hardcover, 160 页
出版者: Perimeter Editions and Australian Centre for Contemporary Art
ISBN: 978-0-9943883-2-2
Dimensions: 26.5 x 20.5 cm 了解更多 -
Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg: WORSHIP
John Peter Nilsson, Gerald Matt, Thomas Häusle, 2016 softcover
出版者: Corner House Publiations
ISBN: 978-3-90313-153-8 了解更多 -
Nicole Wermers: Croissants and Architecture
Nicole Wermers, 2016 softcover
出版者: Motto Books, Geneva
Dimensions: 23 x 27.7 cm 了解更多
Susan Philipsz: Night and Fog
Theodor Ringborg, Linda Schädler, Thomas D. Trummer, 2016 Hardcover, 194 pages 页
出版者: Kunsthaus Bregenz
Dimensions: 21 x 26.5 cm 了解更多 -
Tomás Saraceno: 163,000 Light Years
Tomás Saraceno, Nina Zambrano, Gonzalo Ortega, Dejan Lukić, 2016 出版者: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey , Mexico
ISBN: 9786079355104 了解更多 -
Haim Steinbach: Object and Display
Tom Eccles, Beatrix Ruf, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Johanna Burton, Germano Celant, 2016 Hardback, 250 pages 页
出版者: Gregory R Miller Co
ISBN: 9781941366028
Dimensions: 9 x 11 in 了解更多 -
Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin: Aru Kuxipa—Sacred Secret
2016 Softcover, 208 pages 页
出版者: MIT Press
ISBN: 9783956791857
Dimensions: 8.25 in x 11.5 in 了解更多
Ernesto Neto
Hans-Peter Wipplinger, Verena Gamper, Thomas Miessgang., 2016 Hardcover, 192 pgs 页
出版者: Walther König, Cologne
ISBN: 9783863357863
Dimensions: 8 x 10 in. 了解更多 -
2016 Hardcover, 179 页
出版者: HarperCollins India, Noida
ISBN: 9789351361824
Dimensions: 29 cm 了解更多 -
Magali Reus: Spring for a Ground / Particle of Inch / Halted Paves Quarters
2016 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: To Breathe
2015 - 2016 了解更多
Olafur Eliasson: Boros Collection
Olafur Eliasson, Bruno Latour, Joanna Warsza, Christiane Marie Schneider, 2015 Hardback, 208 pages 页
出版者: Distanz Verlag, Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-95476-099-2
Dimensions: 24 × 32 cm 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson: Baroque Baroque
Olafur Eliasson, Mario Codognato, Irmgard Emmelhainz, Paul Feigelfeld, Georg Lechner, Sandra Noeth, Mirjam Schaub, Daniela Zyman, 2015 Paperback, 272 pages 页
出版者: Sternberg Press, Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-95679-213-7
Dimensions: 23×34 cm 了解更多 -
Slavs and Tatars: Mirrors for Princes
Manan Ahmed Asif, Maya Allison, David Crowley, Anna Della Subin, Anthony Downey, Lloyd Ridgeon, Beatrix Ruf, Slavs and Tatars, Neguin Yavari, 2015 softcover, 192 pages 页
出版者: JRP Editions & NYU Abu Dhabi Art Gallery
ISBN: 978-3-03764-407-2
Dimensions: 205 x 250 mm 了解更多 -
Mat Collishaw: Black Mirror
Anna Coliva, Valentina Ciarallo, Andrew Graham-Dixon, 2015 Hardcover
出版者: NERO
ISBN: 978-88-97503-49-1 了解更多
Tomás Saraceno: Becoming Aerosolar
Agnes Husslein-Arco, Nigel Clark, Mario Codognato, Sasha Engelmann, Derek McCormack, Pablo Suarez, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Etienne Turpin, 2015 出版者: 21er Haus
ISBN: 9783902805706
Dimensions: 19 x 24 cm 了解更多 -
Gillian Wearing
2015 Softcover, 110 pages 页
出版者: IVAM Institut Valencia d'Art Modern, Valencia
ISBN: 9788448260514
Dimensions: 28 cm 了解更多 -
Susan Philipsz: Follow Me
Genova Ilaria Bonacossa, Luca Cerizza, Chus Martinez, Paola Nicolin , 2015 Hardcover, silk screen print, 144 pages 页
出版者: Humbolt Books
ISBN: 9788899385026
Dimensions: 13.6 x 19.6 cm 了解更多 -
Thomas Scheibitz: Tisch, Ozean und Beispiel
Thomas Scheibitz, 2015 Hardback, 164 pages 页
出版者: Walther Koenig
ISBN: 9783863356569
Dimensions: 300mm x 235mm 了解更多
Manuel No. 3: Martin Boyce
Søren Grammel , Daniel Pies, 2015 出版者: Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmusem Basel
ISBN: 978-3-7204-0225-5
Dimensions: 23.5 x 17 cm 了解更多 -
Martin Boyce: When Now Is Night
Dominic Molon, 2015 Softcover, 160 pages 页
出版者: Princeton Architectural Press
ISBN: 978-1616894030
Dimensions: 7.2 x 0.8 x 9.2 inches 了解更多 -
Mark Dion: The Academy of Things
2015 Paperback, 240 pages 页
出版者: Walther König, Cologne
ISBN: 9783863356576
Dimensions: 7.75 x 11 in. 了解更多 -
Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler: Sound Speed Marker
Fairfax Dorn, Anne Ellegood, Inka Graeve Ingelmann, Jeffrey Kastner, Seán Kissane, Claudia Schmuckli, 2015 Hardcover, 262 pages 页
出版者: Ballroom Marfa
ISBN: 9781938922824
Dimensions: 12 × 9.5 × 1.1 inches 了解更多
Kimsooja: Ko Un - Fascination
2015 了解更多 -
Sarah Sze
Foreword by Marion Boulton Stroud. Text by Arthur C. Danto, Jonathan Gilmore, Jeffrey Kastner., 2014 Hardcover
出版者: The Fabric Workshop and Museum
ISBN: 9780983631712 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson: Contact is Content
Olafur Eliasson, 2014 Hardcover, 416 pages 页
出版者: Distanz Verlag, Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-95476-084-8
Dimensions: 30 × 34 cm 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson: Contact
2014 Paperback, 200 pages 页
出版者: Flammarion
ISBN: 9782081358065
Dimensions: 279 x 361 mm 了解更多
Lisa Oppenheim: Works 2003–2013
Karen Archey, Angie Keefer, Lisa Oppenheim, Christian Rattermeyer, 2014 softcover, 160 页
出版者: Sternberg Press
ISBN: 978-3-95679-040-9
Dimensions: 24×33 cm 了解更多 -
Slavs and Tatars: Naughty Nasals
Slavs and Tatars, 2014 softcover, 80 pages 页
出版者: Motto Books, Geneva
ISBN: 9788389778536
Dimensions: 23 x 31 cm 了解更多 -
Laura Lima
Heike Munder, Victoria Noorthoorn, Jochen Volz, Laura Lima, 2014 Hardcover, 192 pages 页
出版者: JRP|Editions, Switzerland
ISBN: 978-3-03764-344-0
Dimensions: 23.50 × 17.00 cm 了解更多 -
Tomás Saraceno: Cosmic Jive: The Spider Sessions
Ilaria Bonacossa, Luca Cerizza, William Eberhard, David Toop, Gianni Garrera, Federico Rahola, Federico Nicolao, Joseph Grima, 2014 出版者: Asinello Press, Italy
ISBN: 9788890968051
Dimensions: 12.7 x 17.8 cm 了解更多
Ernesto Neto: Haux Haux
Kathy Lewin, Jutta Mattern , 2014 Softcover, 160 pages 页
出版者: Strzelecki Books
ISBN: 978-3942680622
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.7 x 10.3 inches 了解更多 -
Mark Manders: Cose in corso
Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, 2014 Hardcover, 126 pages 页
出版者: Roma Publications, Amsterdam
ISBN: 978 94 91843 00 6
Dimensions: 22 x 29 cm 了解更多 -
Ernesto Neto: The Body That Carries Me
Rainer Hehl, Franck Leibovici, Pedro Luz, Hannah Monyer, Luiz Alberto Oliveira, Raphaela Platow, Tania Rivera, 2014 Softcover, 144 pages 页
出版者: Ediciones Poligrafia
ISBN: 9788434313286
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 in 了解更多 -
Rivane Neuenschwander: mal-entendidos (misunderstandings)
Rivane Neuenschwander, Adriano Pedrosa, 2014 出版者: Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo
ISBN: 78-8586871771
Dimensions: 29,6 x 21 x 2,1 cm 了解更多
Tomás Saraceno: Cloud-Specific
Inés Katzenstein, Tomás Saraceno, and Denis Weaire, 2014 出版者: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 9780936316352
Dimensions: 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches 了解更多 -
Sandra Cinto: la otra orilla
Omar-Pascual Castillo, David Barro, Oscar Alonso Molina, 2014 Hardcover
出版者: Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno - CAAM
ISBN: 9788492579549 了解更多 -
Susan Philipsz: You Are Not Alone
Brigitte Franzen, James Lingwood, Sara Arrhenius, Katrina M. Brown, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Maeve Connolly, Steven Connor, Brigitte Franzen, Barbara London, Dieter Roelstraete, Anna Sophia Schultz & Ross Sinclair, 2014 出版者: Walther Koenig, Cologne 了解更多 -
Susan Philipsz: The Distant Sound
Susan Philipsz, 2014 Paperback, 90 页
出版者: Art And Theory Publishing
ISBN: 978-9198157345 了解更多
Thomas Scheibitz: Studio Imaginaire
2014 出版者: Verlag DIAMONDPAPER
Dimensions: 18 x 24 cm 了解更多 -
Karyn Olivier
Inbound: Houston 2014 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: Unfolding
2013 - 2014 了解更多 -
Sarah Sze: Triple Point
Essays by: Johanna Burton, Carey Lovelace and Holly Block; Interview and Contributions by: Jennifer Egan, 2013 Hardcover, 160 页
出版者: Gregory R. Miller & Co./The Bronx Museum of the Arts (October 31, 2013)
ISBN: 0982681380 了解更多
Olafur Eliasson
Tate Modern Artists Series Marcella Beccaria, 2013 Paperback, 128 pages 页
出版者: Tate Publishing, London
ISBN: 978-1854379665
Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.3 x 10.6 inches 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson Take Your Time: Writings 2001-2012
Volume 4 Olafur Eliasson, 2013 Ebook, 170 pages 页
出版者: Studio Olafur Eliasson
ISBN: 978-3-00-041630-9 了解更多 -
Olafur Eliasson: Take Your Time: The Kitchen
Volume 5 Olafur Eliasson, 2013 Softcover, 366 pages 页
出版者: Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin
Dimensions: 19.2 x 25.4 cm 了解更多 -
Lisa Oppenheim: Billowing
Laura Schleussner, Director of Kunstverein Göttingen, 2013 出版者: Argobooks (June 1, 2013)
ISBN: 978-3942700306 了解更多
Meschac Gaba: Museum of Contemporary African Art
Kerry Greenberg, 2013 Hardback, 144 pages 页
出版者: Tate Publishing, London
ISBN: 9781849761680
Dimensions: 27.5 x 22 cm 了解更多 -
Mat Collishaw
Sue Hubbard, Rachel Campbell-Johnson, 2013 hardcover 了解更多 -
Charles Long
Jonathan Letnam, Raphael Rubinstein, John Currin, 2013 Softcover, 222 pages 页
出版者: Jarla Partilager
ISBN: 9783000423628
Dimensions: 195 x 250 mm 了解更多 -
Mark Manders: Room with Broken Sentence
Dutch Pavilion - 55th International Art Exhibition la Biennale di Venezia Lorenzo Benedetti, Birgit Donker, Mark Manders, 2013 Softcover, 176 pages 页
出版者: Roma Publications, Amsterdam
ISBN: 978 90 77459 96 6
Dimensions: 21 x 27 cm 了解更多