Carla Klein
Anke Bangma, 2000 Hardcover, 72 pages 页
出版者: Artimo Foundation
ISBN: 9789075380194
Dimensions: 8-3/8 x 9-5/8 inches 了解更多 -
Gillian Wearing: Serpentine Gallery
Lisa G. Corin, 2000 Softcover
出版者: Serpentine Gallery, UK
ISBN: 9781870814423 了解更多 -
Uta Barth: in between places
Sheryl Conkelton, 2000 Hardcover, 175 pages 页
出版者: Henry Art Gallery, Seattle
ISBN: 9780935558371
Dimensions: 31 cm 了解更多 -
Uta Barth: ...and of time
Uta Barth, Timothy Martin, Michael Worthington, 2000 Softcover, 39 pages 页
出版者: Uta Barth
Dimensions: 81/2 x 91/4 inches 了解更多
Ernesto Neto
Philip Dodd, Andrew Nairne, Dan Cameron, Katya Garcia-Anton., 2000 出版者: ICA, LONDON/DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS
ISBN: 1 900300 25 7
Dimensions: 240 x 164mm 了解更多 -
Siobhan Hapaska, Charles Long, Ernesto Neto
MAGASIN 3, STOCKHOLM David Neuman, 2000 Softcover, 53 页
ISBN: 91-972986-4-6 了解更多 -
Sabine Hornig: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Stipendium
Christian Rattemeyer, Cay Sophie Rabinowitz, 2000 Paperback, 15 pages 页
出版者: arl Schmidt-Rottluff Förderungsstiftung, Berlin
Dimensions: 21 x 29.7 cm 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: A Needle Woman
2000 了解更多
Kimsooja: A Needle Woman
2000 了解更多 -
KIMSOOJA: A Needle Woman
2000 了解更多 -
Gillian Wearing
1999 Softcover, 160 pages 页
出版者: Phaidon
ISBN: 9780714838243
Dimensions: 290 x 250 mm 了解更多 -
Uta Barth: nowhere near
Jan Tumlir, Uta Barth, 1999 Softcover, 54 pages 页
出版者: ACME
ISBN: 0967540402 了解更多
MONICA BONVICINI: What Does Your Wife / Girlfriend Think of Your Rough And Dry Hands?
1999 了解更多 -
1999 了解更多 -
Haim Steinbach
Text by Mario Perniola, Giorgio Verzotti., 1999 Hardcover, 272 页
出版者: Charta
ISBN: 9788881581955 了解更多 -
Martin Boyce
Tom Gidley, Robert Johnston, 1999 Softcover, 64 pages 页
出版者: Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
ISBN: 9780947912727
Dimensions: 23 cm 了解更多
Mark Dion: Archeaology
Colin Renfrew, Jonathan Cotton, Robert Williams, 1999 Softcover, 101 pages 页
出版者: Black Dog Publishing, London
ISBN: 978-1901033915
Dimensions: 7.8 x 0.4 x 10.2 in 了解更多 -
Monica Bonvicini: BAU
1999 了解更多 -
Rita Lundqvist Selected Paintings 1987-1998
1998 softcover, 32 pages 页
出版者: Galleri Lars Bohman, Stockholm
ISBN: 919723706x 了解更多 -
Rivane Neuenschwander: XXIV Bienal de São Paulo
1998 了解更多
Teresa Hubbard /Alexander Birchler: Scene
1998 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: Kim Soo-Ja
1998 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: Kim Soo-Ja
1998 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: Cities on the Move
1998 了解更多
Gillian Wearing: Signs that say what you want them to say and not Signs that say what someone else wants you to say.
Gillian Wearing, 1997 出版者: Interim Art, London
ISBN: 1 870282 07 8 了解更多 -
Mark Dion
Mark Dion, Graziose Corrin, Miwon Kwon, Norman Bryson, John Berger, 1997 Paperback, 160 pages 页
出版者: Phaidon Press, London
ISBN: 9780714836591
Dimensions: 290 x 250 mm 了解更多 -
Teresa Hubbard /Alexander Birchler: Slow Place
1997 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: Soo-Ja Kim
1997 了解更多
Mark Dion: Concrete Jungle
A Pop Media Investigation of Death and Survival in Urban Ecosystems Donna Jeanne Haraway, 1996 Paperback, 219 pages 页
出版者: Juno Books, Saint Paul, MN
ISBN: 9780965104227
Dimensions: 25 cm 了解更多 -
1994 了解更多 -
Haim Steinbach
1994 出版者: Ritter Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-85415-140-1 了解更多 -
Kimsooja: Soo-Ja Kim
1994 了解更多
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