- The Light of Peace: Desert Lighthouse, 2022
- Thomas Kinkade: The Lord’s Flock & Witness to the Miracle (Performance Relic), 2018
- Tourist Map of Key West #3, 2013
- Key West Grinning Parrotfish, 2013
- Key West Honeycomb Cowfish with Long-legged Starfish, 2013
- Spirit Photo: Jeffrey Vallance , 2012-2015
- Leonard Nimoy, 2012
- Richard Nixon: Disgraced U.S. President, 2012
- The Devil, 2012
- The Brown Wall, 2009
- John Calvin, 2009
- Martin Luther, 2009
- Blinky Exhumation Bone, 2007
- Blinky Exhumation Bone , 2007
- Blinky Carcass: Relic and Milagros (Performance Relic), 2007
- Vladimir Lenin: Relics of the USSR, 2006
- Orange Crush, 2006
- Juliet’s Balcony, Verona, 2006
- Coral in the Shape of Connie Chung, 2006
- Relics and Reliquaries, 2006
- Blinky Bone, 2006
- Jeffrey Vallance in Audience with His Majesty King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV of Tonga, 1985
- Icelandia (Puffin), 1984
Thomas Kinkade: The Lord’s Flock & Witness to the Miracle (Performance Relic), 2018